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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Goat milk

Today I got a question which milk is pretty much good for hubby. Is it cow or goat milk?
Then i do some researches and finally come to conclusion that 'goat milk' is good for him because :
  • increases the immune
  • maintain the fat (so he can be six pack wkakakaka all the time).
What else do across my mind is the movie about Habibie and Ainun, it really interests me. The movie will release on Thursday, 20th Des. Probably should watch on Saturday.


Monday, September 24, 2012

1st Letter

My baby you are so cool. Everybody is expecting you. Be healthy dear, be strong. Sometimes, I’m moody hmm don’t get affected ^^

Always be happy inside, we amma n naina love u so much…

You are closer to 20 months, next week we are going to meet dr.Wahyudi, n I can see you again yeeee…

This time show your face n smile,ok!! :)

I’m so active recently, I hope you enjoying it. Please give a “kick” if you dislike something…

Every Wednesday is my favourite day, I hope the same for you. We can hear bhajan, veda and speech. Those r good 4 us.

Every Sunday, you meet all you bro/sis wanna be, we teach them properly now in human values, so that they can be your excellent mentor later on. I love all of them n I definitely sure, they will u so much… Be nice to them ;)

Your naina is too much worry about you, prove to him that you are the children of Swami. You will always be healthy and possess a noble mind.

Be a star baby in our life n God’s path. Waiting for u :)

Love Always,


Friday, August 10, 2012

Ice Tea - Minum es teh memang membantu melegakan tenggorokan kala cuaca panas menghadang. Namun, mulai kini sebaiknya meminum es teh dikurangi ya.

Peneliti dari Loyala University Medical Center menemukan orang yang sering minum es teh berisiko tinggi mengembangkan masalah batu ginjal.

Selama cuaca panas, orang cenderung mengalami dehidrasi. Dehidrasi yang dihilangkan dengan meminum es teh malah meningkatkan risiko batu ginjal, terutama bagi mereka yang sudah berisiko.

"Orang-orang sudah tahu bahwa di musim panas harus minum lebih banyak cairan. Namun, banyak orang memilih minum es teh karena rendah kalori dan rasanya lebih enak dari air putih. Parahnya, hal ini malah merugikan dirinya sendiri," jelas peneliti Dr John Milner, dilansir melalui Medicaldaily (8/8).

Peneliti percaya konsentrasi tinggi oksalat (salah satu zat kimia yang memicu pembentukan batu ginjal) yang menjadi penyebab masalah pada saluran kemih Anda.

Jangan anggap remeh. Pria berisiko empat kali lebih tinggi mengalami masalah batu ginjal dibandingkan wanita, dan risiko akan terus meningkat setelah usia menginjak 40 tahun.

Wanita menopause dengan tingkat estrogen rendah dan wanita yang melakukan pengangkatan rahim juga berisiko tinggi batu ginjal.

Divine Message 20

The tongue is the armour of the heart;it guards one's life.Loud talk,long talk,talk full of anger and hatred-all these affect the health of man.They breed anger and hatred in others.They wound,they excite,they enrage,they estrange.
                 Why is silence said to be golden?
  the silent man has no enemies,though he may not have friends.He has the leisure and the chance to dive within himself and examine his own faults and failures.He has no more inclination to seek them in others.
(source: Divine words from Sanathana saradhi-English-2009 December)
always in the service of SATYASAI

Friday, July 27, 2012

10,2 weeks

It has been 10 weeks 2 days, so far i'm curious how is his condition inside????
Check up will be another 2 weeks.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Migrain is really killed my day.. i felt through out the day, I’m so sad coz it means what my boss said is true…

I don’t want to be mad, is it because of phone radiation? since I talked so long for certain people. I need to buy one headset.. It’s quite painful. I just want to take rest without anyone disturbance.

Probably, today. Since I’m off for Theosophy class. Yeah, I wear skirt and don’t bring any shawl.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pelantikan Parisada

Yesterday, I was pointed be one of the member of Parisada. It's very brand new challenge for me to interact with the public. I mean being raise as Sai Devotee we seldom go out. Honestly, speaking. N now it seems  a new door that all the Hindu Youth should be hand to hand to help the society.. ^^ Ciaoyooo
The Ceremony

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Twilight then Eclipse.... waiting for New Moon

It's so strange...
I'm searching for the "north-star" this place is so boring already.... I do really need a fresh one.
I wish could go to a sea-side, walking on the sand, feel the breeze and the wave, serve the children in there.. has a tremendous amount of resources...
Now,..It's like Eclipse.. I know something will be shiny behind the dark... but i'm in twilight.. Still about my self and my feeling ...

Why some how she looks familiar

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Valentine’s day always a special day to majority of people. When I visit Gramedia yesterday, It was crowded but only in “one section” which is “Valentine’s gift”. They sell chocolates and souvenirs, many lovers confused to choose :)

We’ll celebrate Valentine’s Day. Exchange gift and everybody can write one question in each paper then put the paper in the bowl. Then randomly another people will take the question any must answer it. Hehehehe…

Image0619“I saw you among the youths, you are different, your smile, attitude, style and moreover your heart.”

Hopefully in this Love day everyone will be happy and full of bliss ^^


Love U kong,


Sunday, February 12, 2012


Actually I have forgotten that I have a blog.’s true. Frankly, speaking when this morning I tried to manage one website felt like i was in college doing some of my project.

It feels cool. I’m going to married soon, i never plan that it will be so soon like this I’m going to be still 24 years old yup going to 24…

I’m not ready.. quite afraid to face the life ahead,,, for 23 years. I live on my own do whatever I thought to be true make decision of my own….. REALLLY Enjoyable….

I’m going to share the rest of my life with the one I love, the one that full of love of me… we’re sharing stories, dreams, ideas,, often problems together…

Swami, only by your grace it shall be done.. be the dharmapatni is not an easy job…. Guide Me…

Love Always,
