Wed, 23 rd Dec 2009 -------> Planning to go Ms.Linda bro's wedding party but seems the condition not supportd me -_-'
So, I went to Ganesha, nice I could sing bhajan at least after more than one month never sing bhajan ^0^. After that got the concept of Mother' Day celebration from Stepa.
Thurs, 24th Dec 2009 ------> Watch Avatar yeyeyeye
Friday, 25th Dec 2009 ------> Merry X-mas! Finish the questionnaire, went to B2 almost the whole day from 11 a.m. till 7 p.m. I missed the Christmas party! Anyway, it's ok. I did something good also.. So not a big deal.
Saturday, 26th Dec 2009 ------> SHOW TIME! We had a Mothers' Day Celebration at lapangan! A lot of people came, that's the first time I talked without text about Global Warming!!!!!! Yeah I did it!!
Sunday, 27th Dec 2009 ------> Yeah... back to school work! Attend the Balviks meeting
N have a nice dinner again ^0^
4. Om Sri Sai Varadaaya Namah
*Garland of 108 Precious Gems*
*Ashtotthara Satha Nama Rathnamala *
*4. Om Sri Sai Varadaaya Namah*
*Baba is the giver of boons; vara (boon) da (...
12 hours ago
girl! seems like you had a very pack holiday!!! work? are you teaching now?