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Lumayan Dalam yaa Hmpir Selutut Bg. Agam |
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Luckily The Exhaust Pipe is unique |
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Simpang yang dalam |
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Pedicab Man asked to being shoot in camera :D |
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For Metric Motor-cycles watch out! |
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Eric IN ACTION!! |
What I feel and think...
Since Baba left His physical body on the morning of 24th April 2011 I have been hearing and reading from a number of sources, whether it be newspapers, TV or talk amongst devotees (and some non-devotees) that Baba did not live till 96 as He earlier prophesied.
I would like to put a stop to all this talk and ensure everyone is aware that our Beloved Bhagawan did not go against His word and indeed lived till 96.
We all follow and recognise the Christian calendar in everyday lives, however Baba did not – He followed the lunar calendar (Hindu calendar is lunar based too). We can be sure of this as Baba recently celebrated the sighting of 1000 moons within His lifetime. Therefore, if we do the maths we work His age out as follows;
1. According to the lunar calendar; 1 year = 324 days
2. Baba saw 85 years and 153 days (i.e. up to 24.04.2011) of the Christian calendar; therefore He saw an equivalent of (85 x 365) + 153 = 31178 days of the Christian calendar
3. If we convert this to the lunar calendar we see; 31178 / 324 = 96.2 years
Fellow devotees, please be sure to send this page, calculation to all who question Baba’s integrity and prophecies.
Sai Ram
I have been vacuum for quite a long time for my writing session. Today I'm not feeling well but I have a strong motivation to journal again!
May 3rd. I'm so glad and blissful that I have passed April. It was such a "nano-nano" month!
Struggled to buy the house, headache of preparation for LG, Swami's Samadhi.... My emotion is jumbled up and down.
I almost gave up..
Like usual there always this voice.. the one that makes me stand still... My inner voice
I ended April with Love and Gratitude Celebration, like what people called it. I feel Gratitude for everything :)
Nowadays, my brain is stuck, i keep everything in my mind.. Can't let it flow to these texts haizzz
Works have taken all my creativity...
Time has changed, I need to enjoy my life....
I have been slaved by all my work-load, be a master mind what Swami said. I’m the master. I must take control. ^^
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sai Ram,
This is His Divine Sankalpa. He had told me last Saturday at 4 o'clock that He was exerting His Divine Sankalpa from then. At that time , I interpreted it that He will be fighting the illness and coming back. Now I realize His health fell from that time. I had a darshan of Him on Thursday morning at about 9 AM US time.
As I went towards His chair He was sitting with the strangest expression on His face which I had not seen before. "Look", He said to me, "the Universe is entering Me now". His eyes were shining like a million bulbs. He usually jokes with me as to what I ate and this is the first time He seemed more than serious, I felt a fear in me and dismissed it and told Him, "Swami, You are talking very differently to me today". He then looked at me very softly, and said, "Do you know how much I love you?"
He was reaching toward me at that point when I told Him, "Swami, stop being so serious with me". I think He had left His body then and His heart was just made to be kept alive until Sunday. He then came to me on Thursday aftrenoon, completely different. He was like He looked when He was seventeen, and He said to me, "How old do I look?" I laughed and said, "Very young, Swami". And He said, "Younger than you?". The kids were sitting by Me at that time and could not not see Him like I did. He asked them to put all their three heads to His lap (to them it was the sofa) and He stroked their heads. He then asked my son, Karan, "Who were Lord Krishna's three best freinds?" Karan replied, "Swami, I think it was Sudama, Arjuna, and Uddhava". Swami said, "No,no, not Uddhava, it was Karna". Then He looked at my other son, Krishna and said, "Look, Karna and Krishna are best friends".
In our interview 1999, He asked the same question "What is the relation between Karna and Krishna?" I had told Him "I do not know, Swami". He had said, in a very soft tone, "I will tell you later". And He did, after so many years, in our very own home. He then looked at my son, Krishna, and said, "Who is Krishna's best friend?", and my son Krishna replied, "My brother, Swami, Karan". Swami looked at him in a naughty, scolding manner, and said, "Hahh...Lord Krishna does not have friends, he is always a friend to others". He then asked them to perform arati. He returned again at about 6 o'clock when my husband returned home from work. He asked my husband to do His arati.
He came to me on Friday morning and showed me a very disturbing vision. Swami was standing tall almost from the Earth to the sky. There was panic everywhere and people were running in all directions. There were gusts of wind and dust swirling around Swami. Swami was dark blue-black in His complexion. His eyes were closed and He was standing tall. Suddenly, His eyes did not open but in the area of His eyes a bright light shone. The light spread to all the quarters where the devotees were running in panic. Suddenly the dusty wind was only orbiting around Swami, and it seemed like a thick black cloud of dust. All I could see was the bright light from His eyes and the dust around Him. That to me now seems the vision of death of His body that He tried to show me. He also showed me the panic among His devotees and the reassuring Divine Light that He would always protect them.
He then came to me Saturday morning with the message, "A Miracle...to Come". He gave it to me early in the morning but did not allow me to share it until 9 am. He promised me there was a Golden Era yet to come. Of couurse, I thought at that point that He will re-enter the body. Swami never explains things clearly but makes sure His work gets done. He told me at that point that these three messages, "For Your Sake Only", "Everything is Possible", and "A Miracle...to Come" would be the last regarding His health, and that they would always be a comforting tool in the hands of His devotees. He also instructed me to ask Ted and Jody Henry to make a video of His third message.
He had told me in December of 2010, second week of December that His health was not good and that He was getting silent attacks that no one knew of. I starting observing a Friday fast for His health. Strangely enough, my health started deteriorating from that time with kidney infection and a sudden back injury. In the third week of January He came to me on Friday morning and ordered me to stop my fast. He said to me, "You will go if you continue this". I was stubborn and I told Him, while He stood in my kitchen, "Swami, I am going to do it, and that's that". He looked at me and said, "Then I will have to make you hungry". Sure enough, in a moment I was ravaging food down. I felt a sudden drop in my blood sugar that I had never felt before and I was forced to eat.
From that date, I observed only the worship of His feet and gave up the fast.
I could see in "Sai Baba of India" that His darshans were becoming later in the evening. He did not give me any indication of His health after that. In fact whenever I asked Him He said to me, "But I am Myself coming to you all the time". He had instructed Me to go to the Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Pittsburgh to conduct Abhishekam of His statue and for my sons, Karan , Krishna and Shiv to sing bhajans. He also told me to break nine coconuts at the temple. The children have practiced their bhajans all evening without knowing the tomorrow to come.
I will surely carry out His wish, and even though it is going to be extremely hard for the kids they are going to bring comfort to all the devotees coming tomorrow. We have to be strong. Like Swami told me in many interviews, "I don't like when you cry. If you cry I will not talk to you any more". Of course, I have held back all my tears for I want to obey His command today. He has left with me the treasures of several books which I will share with the world. He has instructed me to take Sai Darshan 2 (which has just been completed last week) in my August trip this year.
He has promised that He will continue to speak to me until my last breath. I will continue to share all His words with you. I know many of you will receive Him now in the omniscience, and even though we feel that His work has been left incomplete all of a sudden He has always said to me, He alone protects, He alone knows and He alone shall do. We have to all stand up with courage fully knowing that He is witnessing these moments and is choosing amongst us the heros to come. Please be a hero...To me He will always be there for each one of His children at all times. Please have faith in that and He will communicate with you. We are now to await the third Avatar of Sai that is Prema Sai that has already begun the course of His work in the cosmos. The new era will bring The Golden Age as Swami had promised each of us.
Let us use each moment from now on to spread the message of love and truth that our Beloved Baba lived for. My love to all. Bhagwan is with you right now and has asked me to write this. Please feel free to share this.
Thanking you,
My humble pranams at the Divine Lotus Feet of Bhagwan,
seema m. dewan
2. Al-Hijr, Saudi Arabia
Di antara situs paling terkenal Arab Saudi arsitektur adalah Al Hijr, juga dikenal sebagai Madain Saleh. Bagian depan tempat tinggal di Al Hijr telah diukir di gunung batu pasir kadang-kadang di milenium kedua SM. Al Hijr - yang secara harfiah berarti 'tempat berbatu' - diyakini telah dihuni oleh Nabataeans dan Tsamud. Ini fitur sumur air, makam monumental awet, prasasti dan gambar gua.
3. Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia
struktur paling menakjubkan diukir dari batu adalah gereja-gereja Lalibela, Ethiopia. 11 batu dipahat gereja masing-masing telah diukir dari satu blok granit dengan atap yang di permukaan tanah. Abad ke-12 Raja Lalibela ditugaskan gereja-gereja dengan tujuan menciptakan Yerusalem Baru bagi mereka yang tidak bisa membuat ziarah ke kota aslinya. Setiap gereja diciptakan oleh mengukir parit lebar di keempat sisi batu dan kemudian dengan susah payah memahat keluar interior. Yang terbesar di antara mereka berdiri setinggi 40 meter.
4. Abu Simbel Nubian Monuments, Egypt
Empat kolosal patung kuno Mesir Firaun Ramses II penjaga pintu Abu Simbel, sebuah candi dipotong dari tebing batu pasir di atas Sungai Nil. Ditugaskan oleh Ramses sendiri, candi menghadap ke timur sehingga dua kali setahun, sinar matahari mencapai ke dalam tempat kudus terdalam, menerangi patung Ptah, Amun-Re, Ramses II dan Re-Horakhty. Kompleks dipindahkan seluruhnya dari pengaturan aslinya pada tahun 1960 untuk menghindari banjir ketika Danau Nasser telah dibuat.
5. Goa Gajah, Elephant Cave Temple, Bali
Gojah goa, Goa Gajah , merupakan salah satu situs Bali yang paling historis signifikan. Gua tampaknya sebagian hancur oleh bencana alam lama, dan tidak terdeteksi selama berabad-abad sampai sebuah tim arkeolog Belanda menemukannya pada tahun 1923. Pemikiran telah dibangun pada abad ke 11, Goa Gojah fitur patung dipengaruhi oleh Hindu dan Budha dan berisi ruang meditasi rahasia bagi para imam atau pertapa. Dua kolam renang mandi tradisional di luar gua mengandung air dikatakan memiliki sifat magis.
6. Cappadocia Cave Houses, Turkey
Cappadocia adalah salah satu dari 73 provinsi saat Republik Turki, dan memiliki salah satu pemandangan paling aneh dan menarik di dunia. Tanah, batu kerdil fitur formasi batuan tufa 'vulkanik aneh disebut sebagai' Fairy Chimneys 'serta kota-kota bawah tanah kompleks dan bangunan dipotong dari' tufa 'lembut. Banyak dari mereka adalah gereja, dengan kolom dan lengkungan menghias wajah batu dari sepotong dinyatakan alami dari batu.
7. Ancient Rock City of Matera, Italy
Di kota Matera batuan kuno di Italia barat daya, orang tinggal di rumah yang sama persis bahwa nenek moyang mereka tidak 9.000 tahun yang lalu. Matera diciptakan dari jurang berbatu dan gua-gua alam yang banyak di daerah tersebut - disebut 'Sassi di Matera' - adalah rumah pertama dari penduduk Neolitik di wilayah tersebut. Gua menciptakan labirin rumah, dan itu hampir mustahil untuk membedakan formasi batuan alam dari arsitektur kuno. Rumah-rumah tampaknya tumbuh dari batu dengan cara organik, menciptakan sedikit dari objek wisata dari apa yang pada pertengahan abad ke-20 sebuah kota hantu. Matera adalah terutama pengaturan untuk film Mel Gibson "The Passion dari Kristus '.
8. Yungang Grottoes, China
Para Grottoes Yungang dari Datong di propinsi Shanxi Cina terdiri dari 53 gua dan 51.000 patung, dan adalah salah satu contoh China yang paling indah seni gua. Menara raksasa Buddha atas pengunjung yang angin melalui gua melihat banyak patung di dalamnya. Sebagian besar karya seni yang pernah di dalam gua-gua itu dicuri di awal abad 20 dan bangunan candi kayu yang dilindungi sekali gua-gua terbakar habis. Jadi, situs ini sekarang sangat membutuhkan perlindungan dan telah bernama sebuah situs warisan dunia UNESCO.
Source : Bro. Giri
Today (Sunday, 30 Jan) we conduct the charity for Chinese New Year in Stanford from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. We have 50 coupons. The things that we distributed such as rice, oil, sugar, ketchup, milk, tea, clothes, lighter and “love”. We share the happiness. I love to see when they are happy.
Ms. Rina, Ms. Mita, Ms. Linda, Ms. Enny, Sir Hendry, Bang Bambang, Bang Liston and Bang Charles were there to participate. Thank you to all teachers in Stanford International School and Education Centre that helped us to pack and buy those stuffs. Hopefully we can do more for next year.
Something that I learnt is it is always raining when we give charity (*good sign)
See u in next charity :)
Hurray, Nal’s Birthday I just got some of the photos. Nals is in Jakarta right now. She is my first Indian friend I guess, yeah we have the same school since primary till high school. I love her because she is unique. All of them are unique hihihi..
She is really awesome in money matter hehehe nal nal.. our accounting lady, the one that counts all our bills. Nal.. hopefully you can reach ur goal. Always be blessed ^^
It was on January 8 2011. Saturday nite, Anand and I were pointed as the MC. I pretty much didn’t like the toy but what should I do????
Then on the D-day, she looks gorgeous.. Yeah.. she made her speech. After so much persuading huff
The party is ended by some games. Something that I learn is by this kind of event, I get closer back to my friends. Yeah.. btw I have debt still with Pina Huffff :((
Pin… wait ok :(
Ok..catch u soon :)
Love Selvia -
Today is celebrated as Ponngal day in Tamil’s Calendar. It is an auspicious day especially to all the farmers since this is a thanksgiving day for the nature especially to the Lord Surya that gives its radiance to the survival of human life in the earth. So, every year we will conduct a gratitude ceremony that starts with boiling cow milk until it spills out of the jar and put the rice in it, until they dries and become sweet rice. As one of the culture, you may not boil the milk on the gas stove, it should be boiled with charcoal and wood. Yeah, it really looks like stay in village. I always love ponngal… especially when we see that the milk is spill out. There is a thrilling experience in that. :)
Something that I learnt is to boil the milk, you need to make sure that you have a good combination between the “stove” and the jar…. The stove may not smaller than the jar, huhuhu like us today, we waited for 3 hours to milk to be boiled hiiihihihi… and it should be the genuine cow milk not the pack one that is usually being sold in the supermarket ;)
Appai (my father’s mother) is guiding us through out the process and sweets are always there. Wade, urende, kesri and some fruits.. Yummy. At the end of the ceremony, appai gave some packs of rice to those people that always help ours.
Inniya Ponngal Nal Valtukal….. ^^
Feel gratitude that is the core of this celebration… always do ….
Januari 2010
Sunday, 23 Cooking with Love
Februari 2010
Wed, 2 CNY decoration
Saturday, 5 Doa Universal ; pelatihan suprabatham
Tue, 15 Chocolate for prasadam
Maret 2010
Wed, 2 Chanting Rudram for Maha Shivaratri
Saturday, 5 Doa Universal ; pelatihan suprabatham
Sun, 13 Parents’ Meeting for Balvikas Class
April 2010
Saturday, 2 Doa Universal ; pelatihan suprabatham
Tues, 12 Ram Navami Celebration with Balvikas Children (Putra)
Thurs, 14 Varudha Pirappu with Balvikas Children (Putri)